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What is the importance of RCC?

What is the importance of RCC?

R.C.C. is a versatile construction material which is strong in compression as well as tension. The use of reinforcement in concrete not only increase its strength but also helps in preventing the temperature and shrinkage stresses.

Why is RCC used in construction?

Advantages of Reinforced Cement Concrete Structures made from reinforced concrete are stable and durable. It possesses high compressive and high tensile strengths. It is economical, and the maintenance cost is almost ignorable. R.C.C has the least chances of buckling and rusting.

What are the advantages of RCC structures?

Advantages of Reinforced Concrete

  • Strength. Reinforced concrete has very good strength in tension as well as compression.
  • Economical. Ad.
  • Versatility.
  • Durability.
  • Fire Resistance.
  • Ductility.
  • Seismic Resistance.
  • Ease of Construction.
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Where is RCC used in construction?

Reinforced concrete is being used for the construction of foundations to the rooftops of buildings, in the construction of highways roads traffic, precast structures, floating structures, and hydro-power tunnels, irrigation canals, drains, and all other conceivable structures.

What is RCC work in construction?

Reinforced concrete (RC), also called reinforced cement concrete (RCC), is a composite material in which concrete’s relatively low tensile strength and ductility are compensated for by the inclusion of reinforcement having higher tensile strength or ductility.

What is RCC and where it is used?

It is used for the construction of large infrastructure projects like Bridges, Retaining walls, Docks, and harbors, Underwater structures. RCC is also used for precast element casting like Railway sleepers, Electric poles. It is used for constructing tall structures like Multistory buildings, Chimneys, Towers.

Why concrete is the most popular used in construction?

The biggest reason concrete is so popular around the world is that it is extremely durable. Concrete is weatherproof, meaning that it can withstand the elements in almost all capacities. It is also resistant to erosion, meaning that it will last longer than other building materials.

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