Popular lifehacks

What is the longest road in the country?

What is the longest road in the country?

US Route 20
US-20: 3,365 miles US Route 20, part of the US Numbered Highway System, is the longest road in America.

What is the longest road in Asia?

Asian Highway 1 (AH1) is the longest route of the Asian Highway Network, running 20,557 km (12,774 mi) from Tokyo, Japan via Korea, China, Southeast Asia, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran to the border between Turkey and Bulgaria west of Istanbul where it joins end-on with European route E80, running …

Which of these is the longest road answer?


What is the longest road in the world to walk?

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Stretching 14,000 miles (22,387km) from Cape Town in South Africa to Magadan in Russia, this route might be the world’s longest walk, and it certainly sounds gruelling. Credit for this lengthy route goes to Reddit user cbz3000, who drew it up on Google Maps in 2019.

What is the longest straight road in America?

Highway 46
North Dakota claims its Highway 46 is the longest straight road in the US and Canada. Slight bends aside, the motorway boasts a 31-mile dead straight stretch from Gackle to Beaver Greek. However, the aforementioned Bonneville Salt Flat road is meant to be longer, at 35 miles.

Is the Nullarbor the longest road in the world?

The section between Balladonia and Caiguna includes what is regarded as the longest straight stretch of road in Australia and one of the longest in the world. The road stretches for 146.6 kilometres (91.1 mi) without turning, and is signposted and commonly known as the “90 Mile Straight”.

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Is the Nullarbor the longest straight road?

The Nullarbor Plain, famously known as the longest stretch of straight road in the world, is a piece of Australia which few of us cross and many of us don’t seem to know a lot about.

What is the length of GT Road?

1,491 mi
GT Road/Length

It runs roughly 2,400 km (1,491 mi) from Teknaf, Bangladesh on the border with Myanmar west to Kabul, Afghanistan, passing through Chittagong and Dhaka in Bangladesh, Kolkata, Allahabad, Delhi, and Amritsar in India, and Lahore, Rawalpindi, and Peshawar in Pakistan.

Why GT road is called Grand Trunk Road?

In the colonial era the British developed an ancient route into a highway across the breadth of their realm. During the British rulers of colonial India, the road was renamed as the Grand Trunk Road. Rudyard Kipling called it ‘a river of life’, but for the modern driver it’s a nightmare.