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What is the lowest salary for a lawyer?

What is the lowest salary for a lawyer?

The Low, Median and High Salaries for Lawyers The median lawyer salary was $122,960, meaning half earned less than this amount and half earned more. The lowest 10 percent earned below $59,670, while the highest 10 percent of earners brought in more than $186,350.

Where do lawyers make the least money?

10 States Where Lawyers Earn the Least Money

  • Montana average lawyer salary: $88,600.
  • Mississippi average lawyer salary: $97,990.
  • West Virginia average lawyer salary: $98,630.
  • Arkansas average lawyer salary: $98,780.
  • Idaho average lawyer salary: $99,360.
  • Kentucky average lawyer salary: $100,100.

What is the least stressful lawyer job?

However, there are many sectors of law which are less stressful:

  • Real estate law.
  • Intellectual property law.
  • High Street family law.
  • Government lawyers.
  • Working In-House.
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What kind of lawyer pays the most?

In addition to bankruptcy and probate law, personal injury law is another highly paid legal specialty. It is important to remember that the income a lawyer makes depends on a variety of factors, including the number of hours a lawyer puts in and the choices he or she makes when pursuing a career.

What is the easiest lawyer job?

Here are three areas of law that are relatively low-stress.

  • Estate Planning. When I went to law school, I was determined to not practice estate planning.
  • Real Estate. Another great option is real estate law.
  • Traffic Law. Another low-stress area of law is traffic law.
  • There Are Lots Of Options.

Which is harder law school or med school?

It is much more difficult to get into medical school than law school. At Yale and Harvard, for example, it is more difficult to get into their medical schools than it is to get into their law schools. The grades need to be higher, and the available spaces are fewer.