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What is the lowest temperature that Earth can reach?

What is the lowest temperature that Earth can reach?

World: Lowest Temperature

Record Value -89.2°C (-128.6°F)
Date of Record 21 / 7 [July] / 1983
Formal WMO Review Yes (2011)
Length of Record 1912-present
Instrumentation Maximum/Minimum Thermometer in Standard Stevenson Screen

How low can the temperature reach in the Arctic Circle?

January, February, and early March have uniform conditions with mean temperatures about −35 °F (−37 °C) in the central Siberian Arctic and −30 to −20 °F (−34 to −29 °C) in North America. The lowest extreme temperatures in the winter are between −65 and −50 °F (−54 and −46 °C).

What is the lowest temperature ever in Antarctica?

The current temperatures are still some distance from the coldest ever observed on the continent. In July 1983, Vostok plummeted to minus-129 degrees (minus-89.6 Celsius). Satellites have detected temperatures as low as minus-144 degrees (minus-98 Celsius).

What temperature does it never go above in Antarctica?

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The sun doesn’t set during summer but Antarctica the continent lives up to its chilly reputation. Summer maximums across most of the continent rarely exceed -20°C (-4°F). The only exception is the coast, where highs occasionally rise above 0°C (32°F), particularly on the Antarctic Peninsula.

What is the lowest temperature ever recorded in India?

List of countries and territories by extreme temperatures

Country/Region Coldest Range
India * −60.0 °C −76.0 °F 111.0 °C (199.8 °F)
Indonesia * −9.0 °C 15.8 °F 49.6 °C 89.3 °F
Iran * −36.0 °C −32.8 °F 90 °C 160 °F
Iraq * −17.6 °C 0.3 °F 71.5 °C 128.7 °F