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What is the main function of thyristor?

What is the main function of thyristor?

The primary function of a thyristor is to control electric power and current by acting as a switch. For such a small and lightweight component, it offers adequate protection to circuits with large voltages and currents (up to 6000 V, 4500 A).

What are the application of thyristor?

Applications of Thyristor Mainly used in variable speed motor drives. Used in controlling high power electrical application. Used mainly in AC motors, lights, welding machines etc. Used in fault current limiter and circuit breaker.

What is the function of thyristor in HVDC transmission?

High voltage direct current (HVDC) technology transmits very large amounts of electricity over very long distances with low energy losses. The core elements of HVDC transmission are converter stations at either end of the transmission link, where a solid state valve – or thyristor – converts AC and DC current.

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What is difference between diode and thyristor?

The main difference between diode and thyristor is that diode has 2 terminals and used as a rectifier for converting AC to DC and as a switch. While thyristor has 2 terminals and operates as a switch. Both diode and thyristor are semiconductor devices and constructed with the combination of p and n types of materials.

What is the advantage of using thyristor?

Advantages of Thyristor : It is easy to turn on. It is able to control AC power. It can switch high voltage, a high current device. It cost is very low.

What is a thyristor valve?

thyristor valves are built up by a number of equal thyristor positions connected in series, each of them has a certain voltage capability, depending on the thyristor parameters. The snubber circuit as well as DC grading resistor, Fig 3, secure equal voltage distribution between the individual positions.

Why do we use thyristor instead of diode?

When used in rectifier circuits, thyristors allow current to be controlled more accurately than diodes, which can only be ON or OFF. A thyristor can be triggered to allow current to pass in a graduated manner, by firing (switching on the thyristor) at a precise time, therefore controlling the conduction angle.

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Which is better diode or thyristor?

We know both diode and thyristor are semiconductor devices formed by the combination of p and n type semiconductor material….Comparison Chart.

Basis for Comparison Diode Thyristor (SCR)
Power handling ability Good Better
Operating Voltage Low Comparatively high
Cost Less expensive More expensive