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What is the main purpose of an employee dress code?

What is the main purpose of an employee dress code?

Dress codes are used to communicate to employees what the organization considers appropriate work attire. A dress code or appearance policy allows an employer to set expectations regarding the image it wants the company to convey. Dress codes can be formal or informal and might include the use of uniforms.

How do you discuss employee dress code?

How to Tactfully Address Dress Code Violations

  1. Thoroughly Detail Acceptable Dress.
  2. Be Consistent with the Policy.
  3. Have Reasons to Back up the Code.
  4. Send Out Reminders or Updates.
  5. Meet with the Employee Privately.
  6. Thoroughly Detail Acceptable Dress.

How do you remind employee dress code?

Send a reminder email to the employee specifically. Explain that you’ve noticed some inappropriate attire that she should address promptly. Include a line indicating that if she is unsure of how to fit within the confines of the dress code, you would be more than happy to provide some examples for her.

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Are employee dress codes legal?

Federal U.S. law does not directly regulate employer dress codes or appearance policies. However, it does prohibit employers from discriminating against employees based on a number of protected characteristics including, for example, religion, sex, race and national origin.

How is a dress code policy implemented?

Dress codes should set out what is and what isn’t acceptable, and should cover not only outfits but individual garments, accessories and footwear. Policies should be as all-encompassing as possible to avoid any potentially embarrassing situations. Dress codes should be easily interpretable and written in plain English.

How do you communicate with dress code?

You can use several methods of communication to deliver the message effectively.

  1. Create a company dress code based on the image you wish to present to your clients and the general public.
  2. Include the company dress code in the employee handbook.
  3. Send an in-office email to remind employees of the dress code.