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What is the maximum and minimum number of weeks a regular unemployment claim in Georgia can be established?

What is the maximum and minimum number of weeks a regular unemployment claim in Georgia can be established?

Effective July 1, 2012, the maximum number of weeks a claim can be established will range from 14 to 20, depending on the seasonal adjusted statewide unemployment rate in use at the time the regular UI claim is filed. For claims filed from July 1 through December 31, Georgia’s seasonal adjusted UI rate for the previous April will be used. For claims filed from January 1 through June 30, Georgia’s seasonal adjusted UI rate for the previous October will be used. The minimum number of weeks is 6.

Why is my additional Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation payment not $600?

Your payment may not be the full $600 if you have elected to have state and federal taxes deducted. Federal taxes are deducted at 10\% and state taxes at 6\%. Unemployment benefits are taxable income. Other deductions may include court ordered or voluntary child support or repayment of an UI overpayment (one-half of your $600 PFUC payment will be deducted and applied to your outstanding overpayment).

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How much unemployment benefits will I receive in Georgia?

See full answerThe GDOL must determine if you earned enough wages during the base period. The regular base period is the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters at the time you file your claim. If your claim cannot be established using the regular base period, the alternative base period will be used. The alternative base period is the last four completed calendar quarters at the time you file your claim.After meeting the wage requirements, your weekly benefit amount (WBA) is calculated as follows:Regular WBA CalculationTotal Wages in 2 Highest Quarters = WBA (disregard cents) ——————————————————————————- 42Alternate CalculationTotal Wages in Highest Quarter = WBA (disregard cents) ————————————————————————— 21

Is everyone eligible for the maximum number of weeks of unemployment benefits in Georgia?

No. The individual’s base period wages are used to determine the maximum benefits payable which may or may not qualify an individual for the maximum number of weeks. The maximum benefits payable to an individual in a benefit year is the least of the maximum number of weeks times the weekly benefit amount or one-fourth of the base period wages.

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Why has the maximum number of potential unemployment weeks in Georgia been changed?

The Georgia Legislature passed House Bill 347 which changes the calculation method to determine the maximum number of weeks to be based upon the adjusted statewide unemployment rate in use at the time the regular UI claim is filed. The change became effective July 1, 2012.

Who can apply for unemployment benefits in Georgia?

Georgia law requires that all applicants for UI benefits who are 18 years of age or older attest they are:

  • a United States citizen, or
  • a legal permanent resident, or
  • a non-citizen legally present in the United States.

Are extended unemployment benefits available in Georgia?

Only the President of the United States and the U.S. Congress can enact legislation to extend UI benefits. We are waiting on information from the USDOL to see how the CARES Act will apply in Georgia. This bill will extend unemployment benefits an additional 13 weeks.

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Can I receive unemployment benefits if my employer sent me home because of COVID-19?

If your employer sent you home due to a lack of work because of COVID-19 and is not paying you for your time off, you are eligible to receive unemployment benefits. Only workers who are not being paid or who are being paid for reduced hours due to COVID-19 are eligible to receive benefits. You must report gross wages earned and any leave pay as earnings for each week claimed for benefits.

How can I determine what unemployment rate is being used to establish my claim for unemployment benefits in Georgia?

An Unemployment Benefit Determination is mailed to claimants when an initial claim is filed on or after July 1, 2012. The determination will provide the rate for your claim filing period. The current rate for a specified claim filing period may also be obtained by contacting UI Customer Service at 404-232-3001 or 1-877-709-8185.