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What is the meaning of due to unforeseen circumstances?

What is the meaning of due to unforeseen circumstances?

DEFINITIONS1. used in official statements for explaining that something unexpected has happened that will prevent an event or situation from continuing normally.

What does unpredictable circumstances mean?

adj not capable of being predicted; changeable.

What do you say when an event is Cancelled?

Write an apology for the cancellation of event in your email

  1. “We are sorry to inform you”,
  2. “On behalf of committee/organization I apologize”,
  3. “Please accept our sincere apologies” and so on.

How do you deal with unforeseen circumstances?

Effectively deal with unexpected events

  1. Accept that unexpected events happen. The first step to dealing with the unexpected is to understand and accept that it can happen.
  2. Think before you act.
  3. Have a positive attitude.
  4. Expect and plan for a great outcome.
  5. Talk to someone you trust.
  6. Make it a learning opportunity.

What is another way to say unforeseen circumstances?

In this page you can discover 19 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unforeseen, like: unanticipated, predicted, unavoidable, surprising, abrupt, accidental, sudden, unexpected, unimagined, unpredicted and expected.

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What’s another way to say unforeseen circumstances?

What is another word for unforeseen circumstance?

unintended consequence unanticipated consequence
unforeseen consequence unintended repercussion
unplanned outcome unanticipated development
unexpected result

How do you communicate with the cancellation of an event?

We regret to inform you that our ______________ (name of event) at _______________ (venue) on ________________ (date) has been ______________ (cancelled or postponed). We made this difficult decision to ___________ (postpone or cancel) because of _________________ (reason for cancellation or postponement).

What unforeseen problems could occur for your business?

We look at some of the unforeseen events which could leave a dent in finances:

  • Late payment.
  • Employee tribunal.
  • Political changes.
  • Personal injury claim.
  • Fraud.

What are unforeseen events in business?

Unforeseen circumstances in the workplace are a common occurrence and you will need to know how to plan for them. (example of unforeseen events is the bus you take to work or school suddenly breaks down on your way to work or school). You will need a plan of action. supplies are late.