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What is the meaning of variant in SAP?

What is the meaning of variant in SAP?

Purpose: A variant allows you to save your selection parameters on your input screen. This will minimize the need to enter selection parameters each time you run a SAP report. When a SAP report is processed, the standard layout is used for that particular T-code.

What is variant in SAP background jobs?

With variant you define what are the selection field values in the runtime. During runtime the program picks this values and runs the program. When you execute your program which has selection fields, you enter the values and then you click on ‘GO TO ‘ tab and ‘SAVE AS VARIANT’.

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How do you create a variant in SAP?

To create a variant, open a transaction and enter the search criteria you would like to see every time you execute. Select Goto from the menu, then select variants, then save the variant. If the system default variant comes up, make sure to change the name and not overwrite it.

What is variant table in SAP?

Variant tables are used to store combinations of characteristic values. They can be referenced in dependencies to infer, check and restrict values.

How do I see variants in SAP?

Using transaction code SE16N / SE16. Enter the table name VARID and execute. You will get all the SAP variants available in the SAP system.

How do you select a variant in SAP?


  1. Call up the report for which you want to define a selection variant.
  2. In the selection screen of the report, choose Goto Variant Save as variant.
  3. Give the variant a name and define additional criteria for the display of the variant.
  4. Specify the selection screen to which the variant is assigned.
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How do I run a variant in SAP?

On the initial screen of the ABAP Editor (transactionSE38), enter the name of the program that you want to run. Choose Program → Execute → With Variant. A dialog box appears in which you can enter a variant. Select the Variant field and choose the F4 key.

What is dynamic variant in SAP?

What is Variants? Variants allow you to save sets of input values for programs that you often start with the same selections. Purpose of dynamic variants. Sometimes you may have a requirement to schedule a back ground jobs, based on the current month in the selection screen.

How do I view variant changes in SAP?

On the top menu, select Utilities > Find. Enter the Variant name and leave other fields to blank. Execute now. The next screen will show you the Changed by and Last changed on.

How do I edit variants in SAP?

Changing a Screen Variant

  1. Follow the menu path Goto > Variant > Save as Variant (Figure 13.7D).
  2. The ABAP: Save as Variant screen appears (Figure 13.8). Change the protect and hide selections for any data entry fields and selection options.
  3. Option 1: Save this revised version of the screen variant with the same name.
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What is protect field in SAP?

Protect Field: If a user selects this field, then the field would not accept user input when the program is run using the variant.

How do you select variants in SAP?