Popular lifehacks

What is the most common river name in the world?

What is the most common river name in the world?

Rank River Average discharge (m3/s)
1. Nile–White Nile–Kagera–Nyabarongo–Mwogo–Rukarara 2,800
2. Amazon–Ucayali–Tambo–Ene–Mantaro 209,000
3. Yangtze–Jinsha–Tongtian–Dangqu (Chang Jiang) 30,166
4. Mississippi–Missouri–Jefferson–Beaverhead–Red Rock–Hell Roaring 16,792

What are river names?

A Quick Glance Through

S.No. River Falls into
1 Ganges Bay of Bengal
2 Brahmaputra Bay of Bengal
3 Indus Arabian Sea
4 Godavari Bay of Bengal

How many rivers are there in total?

There are 8 major river systems in India, with more than 400 rivers in total. Rivers play an important role in the lives of the Indian people due to their crucial importance in sustenance and their place in Indian religions.

What are the 2 most famous rivers?

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10 Most Famous Rivers In The World

  • The Nile. The Nile River in Aswan.
  • The Ganges. The Indian city of Varanasi on the banks of the Ganges River.
  • The Mississippi. New Orleans on the banks of the Mississippi River.
  • The Orinoco River. The Orinoco river in Venezuela.
  • The Saint Lawrence River.
  • The Danube River.
  • The Mekong River.

How many rivers are there in UP?

The state of Uttar Pradesh has got thirty one rivers flowing through the place, which includes both long as well as small rivers. Some of the most important rivers of India like the Ganga, the Ghaghara, the Yamuna and the Sarayu flow though this state.

What are the 3 types of rivers?


  • Ephemeral Rivers. Whenever snow melts quickly or there is an exceptionally heavy downpour, it can result in an ephemeral river.
  • Episodic Rivers.
  • Exotic Rivers.
  • Intermittent Rivers.
  • Mature Rivers.
  • Old Rivers.
  • Periodic Rivers.
  • Permanent Rivers.
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What is the largest river on Earth?


  • Nile: 4,132 miles.
  • Amazon: 4,000 miles.
  • Yangtze: 3,915 miles.

How many rivers name in India?

There are 8 major river systems in India, with more than 400 rivers in total.