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What is the most read book in America?

What is the most read book in America?

The top 10 in order of votes:

  1. 1. “ To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee.
  2. 2. “ Outlander” by Diana Gabaldon (series)
  3. 3. “ Harry Potter” by J.K. Rowling (series)
  4. 4. “ Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen.
  5. 5. “ The Lord of the Rings” by J.R.R. Tolkien (series)
  6. 6. “ Gone With the Wind” by Margaret Mitchell.
  7. 7. “
  8. 8. “

How did EL James come up with 50 shades of GREY?

James says the idea for the Fifty Shades trilogy began as a response to the vampire novel series Twilight. In late 2008, James saw the movie Twilight, and then became intensely absorbed with the novels that the movie was based on. Beginning in August 2009, she then began to write the Fifty Shades books.

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What book was number one on the Great American read?

To Kill a Mockingbird
To Kill a Mockingbird was voted by viewers as America’s #1 best-loved novel in The Great American Read.

Will E.L. James write freed?

I’m so happy that FREED is finally available for all of you who have been asking and asking and asking! I really hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. There are lots of new details that may surprise you.

Is 50 shades based on Twilight?

The Fifty Shades trilogy was developed from a Twilight fan fiction series originally titled Master of the Universe and published by James episodically on fan-fiction websites under the pen name “Snowqueen’s Icedragon”.

What book won the PBS Great American read?

ARLINGTON, VA; OCTOBER 24, 2018 – PBS revealed that To Kill a Mockingbird was voted by viewers as America’s best-loved novel during THE GREAT AMERICAN READ“Grand Finale” on Tuesday, October 23.

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Is TKAM the best book?

Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird was voted America’s #1 best-loved novel in PBS’s Great American Read survey. The survey was conducted over a six-month period as part of a series focused on reading.

Which is the most Readed book in the world?

The most read book in the World is Bible. This holy book so far has outsold any other in the world. During the last 50 years, a whopping 3.9 billion copies has been sold.
