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What is the most used class in Destiny 2?

What is the most used class in Destiny 2?

The “HUNTER” class is by far the most popular class in Destiny 2. With over 36\% of the total users, the Hunter class is the most popular class played throughout Destiny 2.

What is the most played Destiny class?

Bungie this week confirmed something everyone basically already knew: Destiny has more Hunters than any other class. 38\% of Guardians are Hunters and I mean, of course, we’re the best.

Which Destiny 2 class is best for solo?

If you are mostly a solo player on the fence about which class to play, give the Hunter a try. They have almost everything you need to solo Destiny 2’s hardest content.

What’s the best Titan Hunter or Warlock?

If you’re playing the game solo, a Hunter is an excellent choice. Their class ability doesn’t give teammates a boost—which Titan and Warlock do—and their mobility and sneak abilities marry well with a solo game.

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Are hunters the best class in Destiny?

Hunters are Destiny 2’s most popular class by a large margin, doubling the number of Guardians that play Warlock or Titan. With their majestic capes and well-designed subclasses, it’s easy to see why. Hunters can offer a little bit of everything besides damage buffs to any squad.

What is the best character in Destiny 2?

1 The Guardian It’s only natural (and maybe a bit egotistical) that your created Guardian ranks as the best character in Destiny 2. Choosing between the three classes remains one of the most difficult decisions to make, seeing that each presents its own pros and cons.

Is Titan or hunter better in Destiny?

Each has a unique second-jump; Titans have Lift, which functions like a jetpack that favors speed over distance. Hunters can literally double and triple jump and are more approachable by newer players.

Why hunters are better than Titans?

Each has a unique second-jump; Titans have Lift, which functions like a jetpack that favors speed over distance. Hunters can literally double and triple jump and are more approachable by newer players. Lastly, the Warlocks have Glide, allowing for more aerial mobility or distance versus raw speed.