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What is the oldest living tree in Florida?

What is the oldest living tree in Florida?


Nr Tree species Age
1 Quercus virginiana (Southern live oak) 411 ± 200 y
2 Carya illinoinensis (Pecan) 141 ± 30 y
3 Cinnamomum camphora (Camphor tree) 136 ± 10 y
4 Ficus mysorensis (Mysorefig) 125 y

What is the oldest living oak tree?

Angel Oak
Angel Oak is a Southern live oak (Quercus virginiana) located in Angel Oak Park on Johns Island near Charleston, South Carolina. The tree is estimated to be 400–500 years old.

Where is the oldest oak tree in the United States?

The Mingo Oak (also known as the Mingo White Oak) was a white oak (Quercus alba) in the U.S. state of West Virginia. First recognized for its age and size in 1931, the Mingo Oak was the oldest and largest living white oak tree in the world until its death in 1938….

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Mingo Oak
Date felled September 23, 1938

Where is the oldest live oak in Florida?

The Treaty Oak is an octopus-like Southern live oak (Quercus virginiana) in Jacksonville, Florida. The tree is estimated to be 250 years old and may be the single oldest living thing in Jacksonville, predating the founding of the city by Isaiah Hart during the 1820s.

How old is the Fairchild Oak?

600 years old
History of Bulow Creek The Bulow Creek Fairchild Oak parking area features a majestic oak tree that is 600 years old. Its branches have cast shadows over many historic eras of Florida.

Where is the largest oak tree in Florida?

The largest live oak tree in Florida, the Cellon Oak north of Gainesville is more than 30 feet in diameter and shades a space that puts most other oaks to shame. The Cellon Live Oak, at Cellon Oak Park, is a Florida Co-Champion Live Oak named for its former owner, Ralph W. Cellon.

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How old is the Middleton oak?

The Middleton Oak, whose age is estimated at nearly 1,000 years, the mill and pond, the butterfly lakes and the tomb of Arthur Middleton are on the property.

Where is the largest live oak tree in Florida?

Cellon Oak Park
The largest live oak tree in Florida, the Cellon Oak north of Gainesville is more than 30 feet in diameter and shades a space that puts most other oaks to shame.

Which oak tree has the largest acorns?

Bur oak
Bur oak is known to botanists as Quercus macrocarpa, from the Latin and Greek words for large-fruited oak (quercus – oak, macro- large, καρπός-karpos-fruit). It has the largest acorns of any oak tree. It is in the white oak group. The common name, bur oak, refers to the fringe of hairs around the cup of the acorn.

Where is the second largest oak tree in Florida?

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Lake Griffin
Not only does Lake Griffin have the state’s second largest live oak tree but it also has many other trees that are just as awe-inspiring!

How old is the Treaty Oak?

500 years old
The Treaty Oak of Austin is located in a small city park on Baylor Avenue between Fifth and Sixth streets. The live oak is believed to be more than 500 years old, and its branches span over 128 feet.

How big is the Fairchild Oak?

Although its age has never been confirmed by tree specialists, this oak’s enormous trunk, measuring about 30 feet in circumference, along with its high tree-like boughs spreading more than 200 feet, leaves little doubt as to its antiquity.