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What is the only flag in the world that does not contain the colors red white or blue?

What is the only flag in the world that does not contain the colors red white or blue?

Jamaica’s is one of only two current national flags that do not include the colours blue, white, or red (the other is Mauritania’s).

What colors do flags not have?

The most popular colours in national flags are red, white, green, dark blue, yellow, light blue, and black. The only national flag not to include the colors red, white, or blue is Jamaica.

What is the rarest color on a flag?

purple color
Some countries have used bright colors like red, yellow, and orange on their flags but others have gone for not so striking colors. But the purple color is one of the rarest flag colors on national flags. Purple is a color of royalty and anyone would expect it to dominate most flags.

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Why do no national flags have purple?

Actually the answer is quite simple. Purple was just too expensive. More than 10,000 snails were needed to create just one gram of purple; not to mention a lot of work went into producing the dye, which made purple dye so expensive. Since only wealthy rulers could afford to buy and wear the color.

What are the seven basic flag Colours?

Maroon is now also found on the flags of Latvia, Qatar, Georgia and Turkmenistan. The point made by Weitman2 that “national flags make use of only seven outstanding colours: red, blue, green, yellow, orange, black and white …” remains true in 1999.

What Colour is found on 75\% of the world’s flags?

Red is the most popular color being found on approximately 75 per cent of all national flags of the world.

Why is there no flag with purple?

What is the least used color in national flags?

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Answer: Purple One color is most notably absent from all but two national flags: purple. There’s no superstitious or mysterious reason for the lack of purple in national flags, however, as the reason to abstain from the use of purple was a completely pragmatic one.

Who has the first red white and blue flag?

After their revolution in 1789 the French recognized red, white, and blue as the “colours of liberty” and honoured the Netherlands for first having used these in a flag (see France, flag of).