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What is the pattern of CTET exam?

What is the pattern of CTET exam?

CTET Examination Pattern

Topics Total Questions Total Marks
Language I (Compulsory) 30 MCQs 30 Marks
Language II (Compulsory) 30 MCQs 30 Marks
Mathematics & Science (For Mathematics and Science Teacher) 60 MCQs 60 Marks
Social Studies/Social Science (For Social Studies/Social Science Teacher) 60 MCQs 60 Marks

Is it difficult to clear CTET?

A: The difficulty level of the CTET exam is usually easy to moderate, therefore, it is not very tough to crack the exam. However, every year lakhs of candidates appear for the CTET exam.

Is CTET Paper 1 Difficult?

CBSE has conducted CTET 2021 paper 1 exam and according to the CTET paper 1 exam analysis, overall it was moderately difficult. As per CTET exam analysis 2021, the overall difficulty level of the exam was moderate.

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How many candidates cleared CTET 2018?

A total of 1,78,273 out of 10,73,545 candidates have qualified for Primary school Teacher (class 1 to 5). A total of 1,26,968 out of 8,78,425 candidates have qualified who appeared for the CTET Middle School Teacher (class 6th to 8th) exam.

What is difference between CTET Paper 1 and 2?

Central Teaching Eligibility Test (CTET) is divided into 2 levels or papers. Paper I is for candidates who wish to teach classes 1 to 5 and Paper II is for candidates who wish to teach classes 6 to 8. In case candidates wish to qualify to teach classes 1 – 8, they can appear for both papers in CTET.

What are Language 1 and 2 in Ctet?

In CTET Exam, Language I will focus on the proficiencies related to the medium of instruction. In CTET Exam, Language II will focus on the elements of language, communication, and comprehension abilities.

What is the exam date of Ctet 2021?

16th December 2021
The CBSE has entrusted M/s TCS Ltd. the responsibility of conducting the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) in Computer Based Mode (Online) during 16th December 2021 – 13th January 2022 at different cities throughout the country.