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What is the procedure after fee payment in DU?

What is the procedure after fee payment in DU?

After submission and verification documents, the students will have to pay the admission fee and save a copy of the same for future reference. After the payment of the application fee, the respective college will send a confirmation to the students stating the status of their admission.

How can I get admission in SOL Du online?

Steps to fill DU SOL Application Form

  1. Online Registration. Go to the official website of the School of Open Learning, Delhi University.
  2. Filling up the Application Form.
  3. Personal Details.
  4. Academic Details.
  5. Course Selection.
  6. Uploading the Documents.
  7. Application Fee Payment.
  8. Confirmation.

Is du Sol fees refundable?

The cancellation charges for the School of Open learning are same as that of any regular college under DU. done till three working days before the last admission then the fee will be refunded after deduction 1000 also full examination fee will be refunded.

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Is my admission confirmed after paying fees in DU?

Once the payment is successfully done you will receive a confirmation email. Congratulations! You have provisionally secured admission at University of Delhi. However, if the documents uploaded by you are not legible/wrong/incomplete then the reason for the same shall be updated on your dashboard.

Is TC required for DU admission?

8. Transfer Certificate from school/college as well as Migration Certificate from Board/University are required from those students who have passed senior secondary exam from outside Delhi.

How can I pay Du fees online?

Fee for online Admission can be paid through credit/debit card/ net banking/wallet.

How to fill Du Sol application form?

Steps to fill DU SOL Application Form 1 Go to the official website of the School of Open Learning, Delhi University. 2 Click on the “New Applicant Sign Up” to create a new account by clicking on the “New Registration” tab. 3 Then, enter the required details in the “Create New Account” page. 4 Next, click on the “Create password” tab.

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When will Du Sol 2021 application form 2021 be available?

The online portal for filling out and submitting the DU SOL 2021 Application Form for UG courses will be available in August. Candidates should ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria set by the School of Open Learning, Delhi University before filling out the DU SOL admission 2021 Application Form.

How to apply for Sol in Delhi University?

Steps to fill DU SOL Application Form Step 1. Online Registration. Go to the official website of the School of Open Learning, Delhi University. Click on the… Step 2. Filling up the Application Form. After completing the registration, click on the tab named “Continue to… Step 3. Course Selection.

How can I apply for multiple programmes in du?

Candidate can apply for multiple programmes in a single DU application form. Candidates who want to pursue undergraduate programmes from any of 91 affiliated colleges need to register online in UG admission portal and fill the DU application form.