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What is the procedure of Ccmt Counselling?

What is the procedure of Ccmt Counselling?

CCMT special round counselling is organised after the conclusion of all three regular rounds. Students have to register afresh for participation in special round counselling and pay the registration fees. Students will also have to fill fresh choices for participation in special round counselling.

How many rounds of Counselling are there in Ccmt?

Three rounds of CCMT counselling along with additional special rounds will be conducted and seats will be allotted accordingly. CCMT application form was available in online mode from June 8 to July 1. For more details on CCMT 2021 admission process, candidates may check the article below.

How GATE Counselling is done?

There is no common counselling process for GATE 2021. Candidates will need to apply separately for admissions in different institutions through COAP (for IITs) and CCMT (for NITs, IIITs and CFTIs).

How can I get admission in MTech?

MTech Admission 2021 is based on a national or a state level entrance exam. Candidates can either sit for a national level entrance exam such as GATE or any state level exam such as PGCET, UPCET etc. MTech admission process has commenced for various institutes.

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What is the admission process after GATE?

Pursue Post Graduation – The most common option after qualifying GATE is to pursue M.E/M. Tech/Phd in NITs , IIITs, IITs and CFTIs. Selection of the candidates in any institute is done on the basis of their GATE scores. Candidates should also know which is the right institute, course, specialization for them.

How many questions are there in GATE exam?

65 Questions
GATE 2022 Exam Pattern – Highlights

Particulars Details
Number of Questions 65 Questions (including 10 questions from General Aptitude)
Distribution of Questions in all Papers except AR, CY, EY, GG, MA, PH and XL Engineering Mathematics – 13 Marks Subject Questions – 72 Marks General Aptitude – 15 Marks

What is dissertation in MTech?

M.tech thesis work represents the author’s research and findings. In some contexts, the word “thesis” is used for part of a bachelor’s or master’s course, while “dissertation” is normally applied to a doctorate. Importance of a Thesis in M. Tech: The important of a m.