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What is the process of converting high-level language instructions to machine language instructions?

What is the process of converting high-level language instructions to machine language instructions?

A compiler is a translator program that converts a high-level language source program into a machine language object program. Figure 9-5. Compilers make high-level language programs transportable between different computers.

What translates high-level language into machine language one after another?

A compiler is a language translator that translates high-level languages program to machine language program. While translating, it checks the syntax (grammar of the source code) and translates it into object code at a single attempt.

How is high-level language translated into machine?

A compiler is a translator program, which is used to convert a high- level language program into machine language. 2. It translates the whole program at once. The execution speed of a compiler is faster as compared to interpreter.

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Is compiled language a high-level language?

Low-level programming languages are typically compiled, especially when efficiency is the main concern, rather than cross-platform support. For example, Common Lisp can be compiled to Java bytecode (then interpreted by the Java virtual machine), C code (then compiled to native machine code), or directly to native code.

How are instructions converted or compiled through a series of steps into machine language?

A compiler takes the program code (source code) and converts the source code to a machine language module (called an object file). Another specialized program, called a linker, combines this object file with other previously compiled object files (in particular run-time modules) to create an executable file.

Is high-level language machine dependent?

Programs in high level language is written using English statements. High level programs require compilers/interpreters to translate source code to machine language. We can compile the source code written in high level language to multiple machine languages. Thus, they are machine independent language.

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Why is a high-level language translated to low-level language discuss the process briefly?

Humans struggle to understand exactly what a program does when it is in binary only. High-level languages are more accessible to programmers. High-level languages will work on different types of computers. Low-level programming allows for hardware to be controlled directly.

When would you use a compiled language?

Compiled languages are converted directly into machine code that the processor can execute. As a result, they tend to be faster and more efficient to execute than interpreted languages. They also give the developer more control over hardware aspects, like memory management and CPU usage.

Why are high-level language known as machine independent?