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What is the purpose of key pair?

What is the purpose of key pair?

A key pair is a combination of a public key that is used to encrypt data and a private key that is used to decrypt data.

Why do we need key pair in AWS?

Amazon AWS uses keys to encrypt and decrypt login information. At the basic level, a sender uses a public key to encrypt data, which its receiver then decrypts using another private key. These two keys, public and private, are known as a key pair. You need a key pair to be able to connect to your instances.

What are key pairs in AWS or any cloud platform?

A key pair consists of a private key and a public key. The public key will be uploaded to the AWS and inserted into the virtual server. You are suppose to keep the private key; it acts like a password but is much more secure. When you want to connect to an instance, you need to verify your identity.

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What role does the private key play when connecting to an EC2 Windows instance?

Amazon EC2 stores the public key on your instance, and you store the private key. For Windows instances, the private key is required to decrypt the administrator password. You then use the decrypted password to connect to your instance. You can choose an existing key pair or create a new one.

Can we change key pair on EC2 instance?

Once an instance has been started, there is no way to change the keypair associated with the instance at a meta data level, but you can change what ssh key you use to connect to the instance.

What is difference between public key and private key in AWS?

Private Key is used to both encrypt and decrypt the data and is shared between the sender and receiver of encrypted data. The public key is only used to encrypt data and to decrypt the data, the private key is used and is shared. The public key is free to use and the private key is kept secret only.

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How does AWS store key pairs?

To add an existing key pair to a region:

  1. From the Inventory tree, select an AWS cloud account.
  2. Select the applicable region, then select Actions > Manage Key Pairs.
  3. In the Manage Key Pairs dialog, click Add Existing.
  4. Enter a name for the new key pair.
  5. Paste the copied public key and the copied private key and click OK.

Does AWS charge for key pairs?

You are not charged for the following: Creation and storage of AWS managed or AWS owned KMS keys. There is no monthly charge for data keys or data key pairs that KMS generates beyond the charge for the API call.

Why are Ed25519 keys so short?

Two reasons: 1) they are a lot shorter for the same level of security and 2) any random number can be an Ed25519 key. To generate an RSA you have to generate two large random primes, and the code that does this is complicated an so can more easily be (and in the past has been) compromised to generate weak keys.

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What is the strongest SSH key?

When it comes down to it, the choice is between RSA 2048⁄4096 and Ed25519 and the trade-off is between performance and compatibility. RSA is universally supported among SSH clients while EdDSA performs much faster and provides the same level of security with significantly smaller keys.