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What is the purpose of the mind game that Ender plays?

What is the purpose of the mind game that Ender plays?

The Mind Game, also known as the Fantasy Game, was an advanced computer program that was played by Battle School Students. The Mind Game adapted to the interests of each student, and was used by the Battle School staff to analyze the student’s personality and psychology.

How does Ender finally beat the Giants puzzle?

Ender is able to get past the Giant’s Drink by breaking the rules—he chooses not to choose a drink and instead attacks the giant. He did this mostly because he was so angry at how unfair the game was, but the novel establishes a paradox by showing that the only way Ender can win is by breaking the rules.

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Why couldn’t ender beat the giant at first?

Why can’t Ender beat the Giant? He always chose wrong.

What is the significance of the opening conversations in Ender’s game?

The beginning of the book introduces two major themes. First, the conversation between the two unknown adults demonstrates the amount of manipulation that is involved in Ender’s life.

What is the message in Ender’s Game?

Compassion is the theme that runs through Ender’s life. It is the defining feature of his existence. The reason that he plays the games so well is his ability to understand the enemy and to inspire loyalty. More than that, it is compassion that saves Ender.

What does Ender learn from Bonzo?

Bonzo tells Ender not to do anything in battle and to stay out of the way. Petra tells Ender she will teach him how to fight in the battleroom. Petra does so, and also tells him that they can control gravity and do many things that the adults do not tell them about.

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Why did the government give Ender’s parents instructions to have a third?

Why do Ender’s parents have a Third? The government gave the Wiggins direct instructions to have a Third. The government wanted the Wiggins to have a child that was half Peter and half Valentine. Ender is a constant reminder of past noncompliance in the families of Ender’s parents.

How did Ender gain the respect of everyone at Battle School?

How has Ender gained the respect of everyone at Battle School? By watching the camaraderie of old friends.

What did you learn from Ender’s Game?

Compassion is the redeeming feature in Ender’s Game. Compassion is the theme that runs through Ender’s life. It is the defining feature of his existence. The reason that he plays the games so well is his ability to understand the enemy and to inspire loyalty.

How does Ender’s Game relate to real life?

Ender’s Game may be a story about an apocalyptic invasion of buglike creatures from deep space, but it’s also a story about video games. As such, it’s a bizarrely fitting allegory for how we, in the real world where bugs are yet to be fully weaponized, fight modern wars. He fights a war thinking he’s training for one.