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What is the rarest Pez dispenser?

What is the rarest Pez dispenser?

One of the rarest of all Pez Disney dispensers is Mary Poppins, which released in 1973 and has no “feet.” There are two variants, one with painted cheeks and one without. The non-painted version is worth around $750, while the model with some blush will put some more green in (or out of) your pocket.

Are Pez containers worth anything?

But nearly all Pez without feet bring at least $10 or more. And, one in three from the 1960s are worth $100. Also valuable – up to $5,000 – are dispensers with a shooting star on the side instead of the Pez name. To be valuable to a collector, Pez dispensers must work and be in perfect condition.

How can you tell the year of a Pez dispenser?

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According to their site, “You can tell how old a Pez dispenser is by looking at the Patent Number on the side of a Pez Stem. If the Patent Number reads: 2,620,061 then it was produced from 1952-1968. If the Patent Number reads: 3,410,455 then it was produced from 1968-1974.

What does Pez stand for?

The name PEZ comes from the German word for peppermint, “Pfefferminz” taking the P from the first letter, E from the middle letter and Z from the last letter to form the now iconic brand name PEZ. The original shape of PEZ candy was round and called ‘PEZ drops.

What is the oldest PEZ?

PEZ was first marketed as a compressed peppermint sweet in Vienna, Austria, in 1927 by Eduard Haas III. The name PEZ is an abbreviation of PfeffErminZ (German for peppermint). The original product was a round peppermint lozenge called PEZ drops.

Is there a market for old PEZ dispensers?

The PEZ collecting community is alive and well and rare Pez dispensers can sell for hundreds or even thousands of dollars on eBay. Generally, the PEZ products that tend to be the most valuable are the ones that were made in more limited numbers, such as special editions or prototypes.

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What do the numbers on the bottom of a Pez dispenser mean?

The first number, like the single-digit code, identified the country of origin. The second number (subscript) identified the specific facility within that country. Country of Origin – In addition to the IMC Code, PEZ also clearly marked the Country of Origin on the stem, right below the Patent Number.

Is PEZ a pescado?

Pez is an animal, or the fish that you catch by completing the verb pescar. Once a fish has been caught however, it has been pescado (which is the the past participle of pescar) and becomes un pescado (the name for the fish).