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What is the ratio of hydrogen to helium?

What is the ratio of hydrogen to helium?

The mean ratio of hydrogen to helium is 5.4.

What happened to hydrogen and helium?

In the core of the Sun hydrogen is being converted into helium. This is called nuclear fusion. It takes four hydrogen atoms to fuse into each helium atom. During the process some of the mass is converted into energy.

What did the hydrogen to helium ratio become in the early stages of Big Bang nucleosynthesis?

Big Bang nucleosynthesis predicts a primordial abundance of about 25\% helium-4 by mass, irrespective of the initial conditions of the universe. Once it was cool enough, the neutrons quickly bound with an equal number of protons to form first deuterium, then helium-4.

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How is the proportion of hydrogen to helium in the sun’s core changing over time?

Hydrogen is turned to helium at a rate proportional to the rate of fusion. As (roughly) shown above, the change in the composition of the core is more or less a mirror image of the rate of hydrogen burning. As the Sun runs out of hydrogen, its energy output should decrease.

What makes hydrogen and helium different from each other?

The main difference between helium and hydrogen is that helium atom exists as a monoatomic gas in the atmosphere whereas hydrogen exists as a diatomic gas in the atmosphere.

How is the proportion of hydrogen to helium in the Sun’s core changing over time?

Who discovered the abundance of hydrogen and helium?

Discovery and Naming: The first evidence of helium was obtained on August 18th, 1868 by French astronomer Jules Janssen. While in Guntur, India, Janssen observed a solar eclipse through a prism, whereupon he noticed a bright yellow spectral line (at 587.49 nanometers) emanating from the chromosphere of the Sun.

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What is the ratio of hydrogen to helium in the Sun?

The sun is mostly composed of the elements hydrogen (H) and helium (He). By mass the composition of the sun is 92.1\% hydrogen and 7.9\% helium.

How much hydrogen is converted to helium each second in the Sun?

It fuses about 600 million tons of hydrogen every second, yielding 596 million tons of helium. The remaining four million tons of hydrogen are converted to energy, which makes the Sun shine.