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What is the real meaning of urban?

What is the real meaning of urban?

Urban means belonging to, or relating to, a city or town. For a small state it has a large urban population. Most urban areas are close to a park. Synonyms: civic, city, town, metropolitan More Synonyms of urban.

Who coined the phrase urban jungle?

Possibly derived from Upton Sinclair’s 1949 novel The Jungle, in which he coined the phrase “asphalt jungle,” the term “concrete jungle” has unclear origins. The first printed use of the phrase can be traced back to British zoologist Desmond Morris’ The Human Zoo, published in 1969.

How much is urban jungle?

Cost: Monday-Friday: $10 for 60 min., $12 for 90 min., $14 for 120 min. Saturday-Sunday: $12 for 60 min., $15 for 90 min., $18 for 120 min. Parents pay half price to play or nothing if they don’t play.

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What does jungle mean in slang?

(slang) A place or situation in which people engage in ruthless competition or in a struggle for survival.

Does urban mean poor?

The term urban can factually describe a particular living situation, for example, urban poverty versus rural poverty. However, as a euphemism for slums, crime, or race, the use of the term urban is inaccurate, outdated, and offensive.

Is Dubai a concrete jungle?

DUBAI // Residents of Al Barsha 1 claim that a lack of parks and playgrounds in their neighbourhood has turned the area into a “concrete jungle”. Resident Adil Hussain said the lack of amenities made it hard to find places to take his two-year-old twins for walks.

Is Singapore a concrete jungle?

Because once your shopping bags are full, your credit card is catching fire and your head is aching from the music blasting out in the malls, you may realise, that the jungle is not only made of concrete. Singapore has quite a few natural reserves to visit.

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Where is the jungle slang?

Junglist is a slang term which first referred to a person living in an area of West Kingston, Jamaica, called Jungle. It was later used as a term to refer to someone who is a dedicated listener of jungle and/or drum & bass music.

What is difference between rainforest and jungle?

A rainforest, like a jungle, is filled with thick vegetation—but unlike a jungle, it has a layer of tall trees, called a canopy, that blocks out most of the sunlight. So while jungles have a ton of stuff happening below your feet, rainforests don’t—most of the action is happening in the trees above.

Is urban a city?

“Urban area” can refer to towns, cities, and suburbs. An urban area includes the city itself, as well as the surrounding areas. Rural areas are the opposite of urban areas. Rural areas, often called “the country,” have low population density and large amounts of undeveloped land.

What is an urban student?

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Compared with their suburban peers, urban students are more likely to live in low-income households, to have been educated in under-performing high schools within low-income neighborhoods, and to be the first generation to attend college. Note that these issues may apply equally to students from rural settings.