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What is the relationship between protein size and migration rate in protein SDS-PAGE?

What is the relationship between protein size and migration rate in protein SDS-PAGE?

The higher the negative charge density (more charges per molecule mass), the faster a protein will migrate. At the same time, the frictional force of the gel matrix creates a sieving effect, regulating the movement of proteins according to their size and three-dimensional shape.

What determines the migration rate of the protein in an SDS-PAGE gel?

The combination of pore size and protein charge, size, and shape determines the migration rate of the protein.

Why do smaller molecules move faster in SDS-PAGE?

The smaller proteins move faster because they can penetrate both large and small pores, while the large proteins can only penetrate the larger pores.

What affects migration in SDS-PAGE?

So only the size of the protein and of course the acrylamide concentration can affect migration. the driving force of the proteins through the gel is their charge – the use of SDS bound to the protein results in a vast increase of the negative charge.

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What is the purpose of SDS in SDS-PAGE?

SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) is an anionic detergent that unfolds and denatures proteins, coating proteins in negative charge. It is added in excess to the proteins, so that the proteins’ intrinsic charge is covered, and a similar charge-to-mass ratio is obtained for all proteins.

Why do smaller proteins have higher mobility in SDS PAGE?

Proteins begin to migrate at different rates, because of the sieving properties of the gel. Smaller protein-SDS complexes migrate more quickly than larger protein- SDS complexes (right).

What moves fastest in SDS PAGE?

The children of course. Why? Because of their small size, they move through the forest faster since they have access to more of the paths in the forest while adults are limited to only the larger paths. Likewise, small molecules can manuver through the polyacrylamide forest faster than big molecules.

On which factor the speed of migration of ions in an electric field depends on?

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Explanation: The speed will only depend on charge and shape. More the charge more will be the speed.