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What is the relationship between Ron and Hermione?

What is the relationship between Ron and Hermione?

The relationship between the two is formed entirely because of Ron’s jealousy . This being canon by the Cursed Child just expounds the problem. Ron is without a doubt the underdog in the golden trio, but he also has the emotional range of a teaspoon to quote Hermione in the Order of the Phoenix.

Why does Hermione like Ron?

Easy answer. Because she has a dominant personality and he is more laid back, so they suit each other. Besides Hermione is somewhat of a rigid, controlling person and doesn’t have a great sense of humor, must be refreshing for someone like this to be with someone like Ron who’s more playful.

Do Ron and Hermione date?

Krum was her date after all, and Ron and Hermione never dated during their Hogwarts years because Ron never asked her out. His behavior was completely unfair and his insecurities came into full bloom during this whole drawn-out dilemma. Their nasty behavior towards each other in year six was most certainly a two-way street.

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When did Ron and Hermione get married?

Answer Wiki. Since Hermione does go back to finish her final year at Hogwarts, the earliest she and Ron could get married would be in 1999 or 2000, though likely they waited a couple years at least (to be more settled in their jobs).

Did Hermione ever like Harry?

Hermione did not like Harry. She loved him. But not in a romantic way. The only two people she ever had a thing for, romantically, were Viktor Krun and Ronald Weasley . Hermione and Harry always saw each other as best friends, sometimes even as brother and sister.

Does Hermione marry Harry?

JK Rowling says Hermione should have married Harry Potter, not Ron. We learned of the pair getting hitched in the epilogue of the seventh and final book — “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” published in 2007. The couple even have two kids, Rose and Hugo.