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What is the richest municipal corporation in India?

What is the richest municipal corporation in India?

The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation
Mumbai: India’s richest civic body’s fixed deposits surpass ₹82,000-crore mark. Mumbai: The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation, which is the country’s richest civic body, on Wednesday unveiled its Fixed Deposits (FD) reserves.

Is SMC a government?

ABOUT SURAT MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Surat Municipal Corporation is a local self government which has come into being under the Bombay Provincial Municipal Act, 1949.

Is Surat richest city in India?

Owing to its flourishing diamond, and textile industries, Surat is another Gujrati city that appears in the list of richest cities in India with a GDP of $59.8 billion approximately. Being the diamond cutting and polishing hub of the world, Surat attracts a large number of merchants from all around the globe.

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What is the function of SMC?

The school management committees are mandatory in all government and government funded schools. The objectives of SMCs are community contribution to development of schools, Monitor the functioning of school and ensured children’s quality education.

Who is Surat municipal commissioner?

Shri Sanjiv Mishra, I.A.S.

Which is the richest municipal corporation in Mumbai?

The Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, also known as Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC), is the governing civic body of Mumbai, the capital city of Maharashtra. It is India’ s richest municipal corporation.

Why Surat is the best city in India?

It is one of the most dynamic city of India with one of the fastest growth rate due to immigration from various part of Gujarat and other states of India. Surat Municipal Corporation is a local self government which has come into being under the Bombay Provincial Municipal Act, 1949.

What is sursurat Municipal Corporation?

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Surat Municipal Corporation is a local self government which has come into being under the Bombay Provincial Municipal Act, 1949.

Why should you visit SMC Surat?

Museum showcases the rich heritage and history of Surat, while the Science Centre has Fun Science Gallery, 3D theater, Diamond Gallery. SMC’s GIS portal depicts spatial information visually and allows citizens to get useful information pertaining to Town Planning, Development Permission, Property Tax, etc. on map.