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What is the role of the teacher in environmental education?

What is the role of the teacher in environmental education?

Teachers enable learners to gain knowledge on understanding global environmental issues. Teachers promote the value of community participation in preventing and resolving environmental problems. Teachers encourage their students to become more responsible environmental and sustainable citizenry.

What is your role in environmental education?

Environmental education is a process that allows individuals to explore environmental issues, engage in problem solving, and take action to improve the environment. As a result, individuals develop a deeper understanding of environmental issues and have the skills to make informed and responsible decisions.

How can a teacher promote environmental awareness?

Teaching children what it means to be environmentally aware is important but it will have a more lasting impact if teachers can lead by example. For teachers, when you see litter, pick it up even if it’s not yours. Start a recycling system in your classroom and show the children how to use it and recycle their things.

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What role the teachers and students can play for protection of environment?

Avoid unnecessary lights. Share used books, toys, clothes to conserve the environment and reduce carbon footprints. Don’t discard used books, clothes, etc. and generate unnecessary waste, better to give to the ones who need them.

How can environmental education play an important role in environment protection?

Environmental education teaches individuals and communities to know about the environment and its related issues, become aware of the solutions to the environmental issues, motivate the people to solve the problems and take proper actions to save the environment from potential issues.

How can you be educated to the environment?

Here are 21+ ways you can begin to become more environmentally friendly.

  1. Become More Aware of Resources.
  2. Practice Conservation.
  3. Plant Trees.
  4. Conserve Water.
  5. Try Renewable Energy, Go Rooftop Solar.
  6. Change to LED Light Bulbs.
  7. Cut Down Meat on your Plate.
  8. Stop Food Waste.
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How can we educate our environment?

Here are six ways to raise awareness about environmental issues.

  1. Attend a Rally or March. A strike can be an effective way to draw attention.
  2. Use Social Media.
  3. Contact Elected Officials.
  4. Recommend Books and Movies.
  5. Be More Accommodating.
  6. Write Articles and Create Videos.
  7. Use These Tips to Get the Word Out About Climate Change.

What is the roles and responsibilities of a teacher?

The duties of a teacher can include: Teaching students based on national curriculum guidelines within your specialist subject areas. Planning, preparing and delivering lessons. Providing educational and social guidance to students and/or signposting them to specialist areas of advice when needed.

What are the roles and responsibilities of a good teacher?


  • To plan and prepare appropriately the assigned courses and lectures.
  • To conduct assigned classes at the scheduled times.
  • To demonstrate competence in classroom instruction.
  • To implement the designated curriculum completely and in due time.
  • To plan and implement effective classroom management practices.
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