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What is the success rate of diversion programs?

What is the success rate of diversion programs?

When diversion is done well, however, its results can be significant. Cook County’s diversion program (in Illinois), which is widely recognized as a model, is an example: a year after finishing felony diversion, 97 percent of graduates have no new felony arrests, and 86 percent have no new arrests of any kind.

What are the disadvantages of diversion programs?

When diversion programs fail, individuals suffer, tax dollars are wasted, victimization is increased, and the system loses credibility, and in some of these cases diversion can actually be more expensive than normal processing, because offenders later have to be reprocessed and possibly incarcerated.

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Do diversion programs reduce recidivism?

By targeting the underlying problems that led to the crime in the first place, effective diversion programs can improve long-term community safety and reduce recidivism far more effectively than warehousing someone in a prison cell before turning them back onto the streets. Diversion also has popular support.

What is the most positive characteristic of diversion programs?

Diversion programs are generally touted as having many additional benefits, including: ▪ reducing stigma around justice system involvement; ▪ preventing association with delinquent peers; ▪ holding youth accountable for their actions; ▪ providing proportionate responses to delinquent behavior; ▪ providing youth with …

What is the difference between diversion and intervention?

Diversion program – refers to the program that the CICL is required to undergo after she/he is found responsible for an offense without resorting to formal court proceedings. Intervention – refers to a series of activities which are designed to address issues that caused the child to commit an offense.

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What is the purpose of diversion programs?

The goal of diversion is to remove youths as early in the juvenile justice process as possible to avoid later negative outcomes associated with formal processing, such as increased odds of recidivism, stigmatization/labeling, and increased criminal justice costs (for more information on the potential harm of further …

What are the two main kinds of diversion programs?

There are two general types of diversion programs: informal and formal….Brief Background on Juvenile Diversion Programs

  • teen/youth courts;
  • mental health courts;
  • restorative justice interventions;
  • truancy prevention/intervention programs; and.
  • mentoring programs.

What is the difference between intervention and diversion?

Are diversion programs effective?

Yes, diversion is more effective in reducing recidivism than conventional judicial interventions according to peer-reviewed research. When youth assessed as low risk are diverted, they are 45\% less likely to reoffend than comparable youth facing formal court processing.

Why are diversion programs important?

The purpose of diversion programs is to redirect youthful offenders from the justice system through programming, supervision, and supports.

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What are diversion and intervention programs?

What are examples of diversion programs?

There are a wide variety of diversion program types, including:

  • teen/youth courts;
  • mental health courts;
  • restorative justice interventions;
  • truancy prevention/intervention programs; and.
  • mentoring programs.