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What is the true meaning of UWU?

What is the true meaning of UWU?

Uwu is an emoticon depicting a cute face. It is used to express various warm, happy, or affectionate feelings. A closely related emoticon is owo, which can more specifically show surprise and excitement.

Is OwO and UWU a furry thing?

OwO, also stylized as owo, as a furry term, is a chat emoticon and meme used in furry text-based conversation and roleplay, normally with a sexual connotation, sometimes as a trolling term. The two Os represent wide and open eyes, and the w represents a cutesy anime-styled mouth.

Who invented uwu?

uwu is known to date back as far as 2005, in an anime fanfiction. The origin of the word is unknown, with many people believing it to originate in Internet chat rooms. By 2014, the emoticon had spread across the Internet into Tumblr, becoming an Internet subculture.

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When did uwu become a thing?

Who invented the OwO?

In their oral tradition, Owo traces its origins back to the ancient city of Ile-Ife, the cradle of Yoruba culture. Oral tradition also claims that the founders were the sons of the Yoruba deity Odudua, who was the first ruler of Ile-Ife.

Who came up with UwU?

Can I use uwu?

Uwu is more of an online thing, so it’s rare you would use it in conversation. But if you really wanted to use it, “oooo-uuuh” would be the best approximation.

Who started the uwu trend?

According to the website Know Your Meme, the word uwu was first spotted in an anime fanfiction back in November 2005. The author of the piece used it in the author’s note at the beginning of chapter six while apologizing for taking so long to upload the fanfiction.

When was UWU invented?

uwu is known to date back as far as 2005, in an anime fanfiction. The origin of the word is unknown, with many people believing it to originate in Internet chat rooms. By 2014, the emoticon had spread across the Internet into Tumblr, becoming an Internet subculture.