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What is the use of crystal oscillator?

What is the use of crystal oscillator?

They are widely used in computers, instrumentation, digital systems, in phase-locked loop systems, modems, marine, telecommunications, in sensors and also in disk drives. Crystal Oscillator is also used in engine controlling, clock and to trip computer, stereo, and in GPS systems. This is an Automotive application.

What is the principle of crystal oscillator?

Crystal oscillators operate on the principle of inverse piezoelectric effect in which an alternating voltage applied across the crystal surfaces causes it to vibrate at its natural frequency. It is these vibrations which eventually get converted into oscillations.

What are the advantages of crystal oscillator?

The Advantages of a Crystal Oscillator

  • Stability. Stability is one of the most important requirements of any oscillator.
  • High Q. The Q factor or quality factor describes how ‘underdamped’ oscillators are.
  • Frequency Customization and Range.
  • Low Phase Noise.
  • A Crystal Oscillator Is Compact and Inexpensive.
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What is crystal frequency 8051?

In 8051-based system, the crystal oscillator has a frequency of 11.0592 MHz when C/T bit of TMOD is 0. Each machine cycle is made up of 12 clock cycles.

Why capacitor is used with crystal oscillator?

The capacitors are there to resonate with the crystal inductance and cause the crystal to oscillate on its fundamental parallel-resonant mode. The capacitors are there to resonate with the crystal inductance and cause the crystal to oscillate on its fundamental parallel-resonant mode.

Why is quartz crystal commonly used in crystal oscillation?

Quartz is the mostly used type of crystal because of its availability and strong nature while being inexpensive. The ac voltage is applied in parallel to the crystal. If an AC voltage is applied, the crystal starts vibrating at the frequency of the applied voltage.

Why is crystal oscillator used in radio transmitter?

A crystal oscillator is an electronic circuit that uses the mechanical resonance of a vibrating crystal to generate a sinusoidal electronic signal at a very precise frequency. By 1926, quartz crystals were used to control the frequency of AM radio broadcast transmitters and were widely used by amateur radio operators.