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What is the validity of 50 rupees stamp paper?

What is the validity of 50 rupees stamp paper?

within six months
As per Section 54 of the Indian Stamp Act, if you do not have any immediate use of a stamp paper, then you can deposit it back to the collector within six months from the date of purchase and take back your money as a refund after deduction of 10 paise per rupee.

What is the use of non judicial stamp paper?

Non-judicial stamp paper: Non-judicial stamp papers are generally used for documentation like power of attorney, sale deed, rent agreement, affidavits, transfer of immovable property like building, land, mortgage or other important agreements etc.

What is non judicial stamp?

Non-Judicial Stamp Papers These refer to traditional or non-judicial stamp paper, used for sale deeds, transfer of immovable property, affidavits, agreements, deeds, wills, etc. Non-judicial stamp paper can be purchased by visiting and purchasing stamp paper from any licensed stamp vendor.

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What is the difference between judicial and non-judicial stamp paper?

A stamp paper which will be used in Court proceedings, e.g. for payment of Court Fee etc. is called a Judicial Stamp Paper. Whereas a stamp paper used for the purpose of execution of documents like agreement for sale of a property, deed of gift, Sale deed etc. is called a non-Judicial stamp paper.

What is non-judicial adhesive stamp?

Non-Juducial Stamp papers are stamp papers used for execution of documents. Title deeds, lease agreement, agreements with banks, power of attorney etc are executed in non-judicial stamp papers. Indian Stamp Act 1899 governs payment of stamp duty via non-judicial stamp paper.

Is Rs 100 paper stamp necessary?

This agreement is not required to be either registered or on a stamp paper. It can be unregistered and on a plain paper. Agreements made on white paper are valid. so an agreement made on 100 rupees stamp paper can surely be valid if it fulfills all other conditions under the law and as per the law.