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What is the value of potential energy at extreme position?

What is the value of potential energy at extreme position?

At extreme positions Potential energy is maximum and kinetic energy is minimum and equal to zero as extreme position the particle is temporarily stationary. During the motion at any point of time the sum of instantaneous Potential Energy and instantaneous Kinetic energy is a constant of the system.

What is the maximum value of potential energy in case of simple harmonic motion?

In simple harmonic motion, there is a continuous interchange of kinetic energy and potential energy. At maximum displacement from the equilibrium point, potential energy is a maximum while kinetic energy is zero. At the equilibrium point the potential energy is zero and the kinetic energy is a maximum.

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What are the values of kinetic energy and potential energy at I mean position II extreme position?

Note: Kinetic energy is zero at the extreme position as velocity is zero and potential energy is maximum. Potential energy is minimum at the mean position which is also the lowest position.

What is the value of kinetic energy and potential energy at mean and extreme position?

At the mean position, the total energy in simple harmonic motion is purely kinetic and at the extreme position, the total energy in simple harmonic motion is purely potential energy. At other positions, kinetic and potential energies are interconvertible and their sum is equal to 1/2 k a2.

When particle perform simple harmonic motion is at extreme position then its is minimum?

kinetic energy is minimum, potential energy is maximum.

What are the values of kinetic energy and potential energy at mean position?

What is the maximum value of kinetic energy in SHM?

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The particle executing simple harmonic motion has a kinetic energy K0cos2ωt. The maximum values. (d) 0 and 2K0.

What is the minimum value of P E?

The minimum value of P(E) is 0 and the maximum value of P(E) is 1.

What is the total energy of a simple harmonic oscillator?

Energy in the simple harmonic oscillator is shared between elastic potential energy and kinetic energy, with the total being constant: ETotal=12mv2+12kx2=12kA2=constant.