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What is turtling in Street Fighter?

What is turtling in Street Fighter?

Turtling is a gameplay strategy that emphasizes heavy defense, with little or no offense. A player who turtles minimizes risk to themselves while baiting opponents to take risks in trying to overcome the defenses.

What does it mean to turtle a backpack?

If you don’t know what turtling is, it’s when you turn somebodies back pack inside out, put their books back in, and zip tie it shut.

What does Turtle mean in fighting games?

What is Turtling (FGC) Turtling is when players block, avoid damage, and put themselves in a defensive position to try and draw out or bait attacks from an opponent while minimizing risk to themselves. The name comes from turtles retreating into their shell for protection.

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What is Guiles Sonic Boom?

HOW DOES GUILE MAKE A SONIC BOOM? By charging up both arms and suddenly crossing them in front him, Guile fires a large energy projectile he dubs the Sonic Boom.

How do you flash a Guile?

Description. Official Street Fighter II artwork of Guile performing a Flash Kick. Executed by charging downward then pressing upward and kick, the user performs a backflip, kicking his opponent harshly as he does. The attack is almost instantaneous, and the arc of the kick leaves a flash in its wake.

What does Turtling mean in slang?

Filters. (figuratively) Any slow progression or build-up.

Is Turtling a good strategy?

It is an incredibly fun strategy to use, as at the end of a game, a player might have an enormous base, capable of quickly creating a massive, powerful, and advanced army. Unfortunately, turtling is frowned upon in most real-time strategy gaming circles.

What is turtling in video games?

Turtling is when players block, avoid damage, and put themselves in a defensive position to try and draw out or bait attacks from an opponent while minimizing risk to themselves. The name comes from turtles retreating into their shell for protection.

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How does Guile do his sonic boom?

How do you do Guile sonic boom in Street Fighter 2?


  1. Sonic Boom – Hold Away, Forward + Any Punch Button.
  2. Flash Kick – Hold Down, Up + Any Kick Button.
  3. Double Flash SUPER – Hold Down Back Away, Half Circle Up Forward + Any Kick Button.
  4. Guile Gameplay.