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What is unitary elastic demand curve?

What is unitary elastic demand curve?

Unitary Elastic Demand (e=1): When proportionate or percentage change in quantity demanded is exactly equal to proportionate or percentage change in price, then demand is said to be unitary elastic. For instance a 10\% fall in price of a commodity leads to 10\% rise in demand of that commodity.

When a demand curve is unitary elastic at all the points then the shape of demand curve is Mcq?

When the elasticity of demand is equal to unity (ed = 1) at all points of demand curve, then the demand curve is rectangular hyperbola.

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What does unitary elastic supply mean?

Unitary Elastic Supply When percentage change in quantity supplied is equal to the percentage change in price such that the price elasticity of a supply is equal to one, then supply for such a commodity is said to be unitary elastic.

Why is the demand curve with constant unitary elasticity concave?

The demand curve with constant unitary elasticity is concave because the absolute value of declines in price are not identical. The left side of the curve starts with high prices, and then price falls by smaller amounts as it goes down toward the right side.

When demand curve shifts upward to the left of the original demand curve then it is called?

The curve shifts to the left if the determinant causes demand to drop. That means less of the good or service is demanded at every price. That happens during a recession when buyers’ incomes drop.

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What does it mean when demand is unitary?

Unitary elastic demand is a type of demand which changes in the same proportion to its price; this means that the percentage change in demand is exactly equal to the percentage change in price.

When a demand curve is unitary elastic at all the points then the shape of demand curve is?

A demand curve with constant unitary elasticity will be a curved line. Notice how price and quantity demanded change by an identical amount in each step down the demand curve. Unlike the demand curve with unitary elasticity, the supply curve with unitary elasticity is represented by a straight line.