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Ultrasonic Machining (USM) also called as ultrasonic vibration machining is a machining process in which material is removed from the surface of a part by low amplitude and high frequency vibration of a tool against surface of material in the presence of abrasive particles.

WHAT IS USM manufacturing?

Ultrasonic machining is a subtractive manufacturing process that removes material from the surface of a part through high frequency, low amplitude vibrations of a tool against the material surface in the presence of fine abrasive particles.

Which material is used in USM?

Thus the tools are made of tough, strong and ductile materials like steel, stainless steel and other ductile metallic alloys.

What is Rotary ultrasonic machining?

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Rotary ultrasonic machining (RUM) is a mechanical type of nontraditional hybrid machining process that has been utilized potentially to machine a wide range of latest and difficult-to-machine materials, including ductile, hard and brittle, ceramics, composites, etc.

What are the advantages of USM?

The advantages of Ultrasonic Machining are: This process is used for drilling both circular and non-circular holes in very hard materials like carbide, ceramics, etc. This process is best suited for brittle materials. The machining operation is simple and requires less time. This process is economical.

Which is softer material in USM?

Which is softer material in USM? Explanation: Tool is softer than work piece in USM.

What are the applications of USM?

The applications of Ultrasonic Machining are:

  • Machining very precise and intricate shaped articles.
  • Drilling the round holes of any shape.
  • Grinding the brittle materials.
  • Profiling the holes.
  • Engraving.
  • Trepaning and coining.
  • Threading.
  • Slicing and broaching hard materials.
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What are the disadvantages of USM?

Disadvantages of Ultrasonic Machining:

  • Low material cutting rate.
  • High power consumption.
  • Low penetration rate.
  • The process is limited to the machined surface of a small size.
  • Shorter tool life.
  • Ultrasonic vibration machining can only be used on materials with a hardness value of at least 45 HRC (Rockwell Hardness).

What are the advantages and disadvantages of USM?

Advantages and Disadvantages: No heat generated in work so there is no problem of work hardening or change in structure of work piece. Non-conductive metals or non-metals, which cannot be machined by ECM of EDM can be machined by it. It does not form chips of significant size.

What are material commonly used for USM Why?

Tough, ductile materials are preferred in USM; mild steel is usually used as the tool material. The mass of the tool used in USM is important because too large a mass will absorb ultrasonic energy and reduce machining efficiency. Tools should be designed to resist fatigue failure.

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What is the amplitude range in USM?

Ultrasonic Machining is a non-traditional process, in which abrasives contained in a slurry are driven against the work by a tool oscillating at low amplitude (25-100 microns) and high frequency (15-30 kHz). Process: Ultrasonic machining is a mechanical type non-traditional machining process.