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What is Vakalatnama called in English?

What is Vakalatnama called in English?

Thereis no one word translation . This word vakalatnama is an arbic/persian word given to vakil (advocate) to authorise him/her to act on behalf of client in judicial,proceedings and is called vakalatnama allover the country India /pakistan /bangal desh. It is an authority letter under advocates act .

Who can Authorise a Vakalatnama?

Anybody holding the Power Of Attorney for the aggrieved person. Anybody representing the aggrieved person in business or trade in that jurisdiction. A Vakalatnama can also be authorized by a joint party in a case in order to appoint either a set of advocates or the same advocate.

What is a power of attorney do?

A power of attorney is a legal document that allows someone else to act on your behalf. Powers of attorney can be helpful to older people and others who want to choose a trusted person to act when they cannot. However, a POA does involve some risk.

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How Vakalatnama can be Cancelled?

A vakalatnama can be withdrawn in case of death of the client, in case of death of the lawyer and in case all the proceedings in the case have concluded. A client can also withdraw the Vakalatnama with the permission of the Court. The lawyer can also withdraw the Vakalatnama with the permission of the Court.

Does Vakalatnama need to be notarized?

Vakalathnama doesn’t need to be notarised and he can use the same, without saying anything about it in court as Vakalathnama should only be signed in the presence of the counsel who verifies your signature.

Is registration of power of attorney necessary?

It is not necessary to register the power of attorney deed unless it involves transfer of property rights/title etc. Both the parties to the power of attorney deed must fully understand what their rights and obligations are under the deed and should act accordingly.

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How do I execute Vakalatnama?

A good Vakalatnama should contain the following:

  1. The date the Vakalatnama would be executed.
  2. The name of the case/cases which the advocate is being appointed.
  3. The name of the court/courts which the advocate is being appointed.
  4. The name of the person authorizing the Advocate/advocates.