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What is wrong with college board?

What is wrong with college board?

Problem #1: The College Board is classified as a not-for-profit organization under the national tax code. The organization promotes this label, while exploiting high schoolers’ anxiety about college admissions. It makes $840 million per year.

Is the College Board really Nonprofit?

The College Board is an American nonprofit organization that was formed in December 1899 as the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) to expand access to higher education.

Does College Board Know Your Cheating?

In order to prevent cheating, The College Board has developed plagiarism-detection software that will review each exam. If students are caught cheating, though, The College Board has indicated that their high school counselors and university admissions officers will be notified.

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How much does the CEO of College Board make?

Specific Areas of Misconduct by College Board Exorbitant Officer CompensationCEO Gaston Caperton is being compensated $872,061 per year. That is more than twice the President of the United States’s annual salary of $400,000.

Why does the College Board make so much money?

The College Board’s Revenue And Profits Due to the College Board’s monopoly in administering exams, they generated over $1.1 billion of revenue in 2017 and generated over $1.2 billion in revenue in 2020. Finally, the College Board also has over $1.1 billion in cash and investments according to public records.

Does College Board use your camera?

After receiving backlash from students, the College Board decided that cameras will not be required during the online exams. Students taking the online exams will need a computer or laptop, and phones are prohibited. If the exams are to be taken in-person, students will be required to wear masks and social distance.

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Is the College Board losing money?

The fallout was even starker at the College Board, where net program service-fee revenues — including what it earns from overseeing the SAT — in calendar year 2020 fell by $286 million compared to 2019. The revenue losses come during a time of upheaval in the standardized-testing industry.

Is College Board a monopoly?

The College Board is a non-profit organization that expanded access to higher education by administering the PSAT, SAT and AP exams. Since no other corporation distributes PSAT, SAT and AP exams, the College Board has a monopoly on education, controlling tests and test preparation prices.

How much does the CEO of the College Board make?