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What job does Ron have after Hogwarts?

What job does Ron have after Hogwarts?

Ron too became an Auror for the Ministry of Magic, but left some years later to help his brother, George Weasley, with the Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes joke shop. Ron also obtained a Muggle driving licence, but placed a Confundus Charm on the driving instructor to do so. Ron was the godson to Harry’s eldest, James Sirius.

What is Ron’s dad’s job?

Head of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office
Head of the Office for the Detection and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive Spells and Protective Objects
Arthur Weasley/Occupations

What is Harry Potter job as a grown up?

It has since been revealed that Harry went on to become an Auror and then the youngest ever head of department, aged 26. In fact, both he and Ron were instrumental in transforming the Auror department at the Ministry of Magic – all without ever finishing school!

Who has a crush on Ron Weasley?

By the beginning of her sixth year, Lavender had developed a crush on Ron Weasley. She complimented him, flirted with him, and wished him luck in his Quidditch games. After a particularly good performance in one of those games, Ron and Lavender ended up kissing.

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What is Molly Weasley’s job?

During the second rise of Voldemort, Molly joined the Order of the Phoenix. She took on the responsibility of making 12 Grimmauld Place into a place fit for human habitation. Molly does often do the cooking, but she makes everyone chip in and help.

What did Ron Weasley do after he became an Auror?

After two years as an Auror, he went to work at Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes with his brother George. He and Hermione eventually married and had two children, Rose and Hugo Granger-Weasley. Ron was also named the godfather of James Sirius Potter, his sister Ginny Weasley’s and Harry Potter’s eldest child.

Is Ron Weasley a character in Harry Potter?

May 24, 2019 Ryan Gunn Characters 0. Ron Weasley is one of the main characters in the entire series. As one of Harry Potter’s best friends, he plays a major role in the plot and ultimate defeat of Voldemort. Ron is known for his humor, as well as his incredible loyalty to his friends and family.

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How did the Weasleys make up for the relationship between Ron and Fred?

They tried their best to make up for this with their love. The Weasley siblings, especially Fred and George, were fond of teasing and playing pranks on each other, and Ron was a particular target for Fred and George. They once transfigured Ron’s teddy bear into a giant spider, sparking his arachnophobia.

Why did Ron Weasley sacrifice himself for Voldemort?

Ron sacrificed himself as a game piece so Harry could place the enemy king in checkmate, allowing Harry and Hermione to move on. Ultimately, it was discovered that Professor Quirrell was trying to steal the stone for Voldemort.