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What kind of doctor helps with nail fungus?

What kind of doctor helps with nail fungus?

If your fungus doesn’t clear up at home, you should check in with a dermatologist (a skin, hair, and nail specialist) or podiatrist (a foot doctor.) They may gently scrape under your nail to get rid of some of the fungus or send it to the lab for diagnosis. They can also prescribe stronger medicines. Topical medicines.

Can my primary care doctor treat toenail fungus?

Answer. Nail fungal infections are a very common medical problem. The doctors who will be well qualified to discuss this issue with you in greater detail include your primary care doctor or your dermatologist.

What kind of doctor do I see for my nails?

A doctor who specializes in treating nail and skin disorders is called a dermatologist. You may see your regular doctor about your nail health concerns, and he or she may refer you to a dermatologist. You can also find a dermatologist online at www.aad.org or by calling (888) 462-DERM.

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Do dermatologists help with toenails?

Treatment usually begins with your dermatologist trimming your infected nail(s), cutting back each infected nail to the place where it attaches to your finger or toe. Your dermatologist may also scrape away debris under the nail.

What do podiatrist recommend for toenail fungus?

Podiatrists will treat toenail fungus by using topical creams, removing part of the nail, and or using more modern methods like laser therapy to eliminate the infection.

Should you cut toenails with fungus?

If you do have a toenail fungus, your doctor will likely recommend one or more of the following treatment options: Trimming the Toenail Trimming the toenail is usually combined with medication, but having a podiatrist periodically trim the nail down is helpful and allows the medication to work better, says Sundling.

Can nail fungus be cured?

Treatment. Fungal nail infections can be difficult to cure, and they typically don’t go away without antifungal treatment. The best treatment for a fungal nail infection is usually prescription antifungal pills taken by mouth. In severe cases, a doctor might remove the nail completely.

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Do podiatrists treat nail infections?

Your local podiatrist can accurately diagnose and effectively treat an incredible array of problems that affect your feet, including nail fungus.

Should I see a dermatologist or podiatrist for nail fungus?

The truth is that you can go to either a dermatologist or a podiatrist to have your nail fungus treated, but it is especially important to see a podiatrist when it affects your toenails specifically.