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What kind of food is eaten in Burma?

What kind of food is eaten in Burma?

10 foods to try in Myanmar — from tea leaf salad to Shan-style rice

  • Tea leaf salad. Lephet thoke can be a meal, snack or appetizer.
  • Shan-style rice. Nga htamin’s essential components: turmeric rice and fish.
  • Burmese curry.
  • Burmese tea shop meal.
  • Burmese sweet snacks.
  • Deep-fried stuff.
  • Shan-style ‘tofu’ noodles.
  • Nangyi thoke.

What is the most popular Burmese food?

Top 10 Myanmar Food

  • Tea leaf salad. This is the most popular Myanmar food.
  • Shan-style rice. Known as fish rice, this Shan dish is among the most typical Myanmar food.
  • Curry.
  • Tea shop meal.
  • Sweet snacks.
  • Deep-fried stuff.
  • Shan-style ‘tofu’ noodles.
  • Nangyi thoke.

What rice do they eat in Burma?

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steamed white rice
A traditional meal includes steamed white rice as the main dish accompanied by Burmese curries, a light soup or consommé, and other side dishes, including fried vegetables, Burmese fritters, and ngapi yay gyo (ငါးပိရည်ကျို), a plate of fresh and blanched vegetables served with pickled fish dip.

Does Burmese food have dairy?

Vegans: Good news! Dairy products are not a big staple of Burmese diets.

How do Burmese celebrate birthdays?

Birthdays aren’t so self-centered in Burmese culture. Several cultures adhere to a birthday celebration that revolves around the individual whose birthday it is. Birthdays are a time for individuals to visit pagodas, offer up donations, and treat friends and family as opposed to being treated.

What food do they eat in Myanmar?

Rice and a few accompanying curries and vegetables is a common meal of Burmese cuisine. The curries are mildly flavored, but they are pleasing and go extremely well with a plate (or 5) of rice. Typical Burmese Cuisine Okra, Cauliflower, and Bean Sprouts.

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What is Burmese cuisine like?

At the forefront of Burmese cuisine is the famous dish of mohinga, a bowl of rice noodles covered in a fish based soup and sprinkled with deep fried fritters.

What goes well with Burmese rice?

Rice and Burmese Curry Rice and a few accompanying curries and vegetables is a common meal of Burmese cuisine. The curries are mildly flavored, but they are pleasing and go extremely well with a plate (or 5) of rice. 5. Beans, Onions, Pumpkin

What is the best food in Yangon?

Samosa Thoke is a favorite among locals and a popular street food in Myanmar especially in Yangon. We would highly recommend having it on the streets of Yangon especially from the vendors near the Thakin Mya Park on Aung Yadana Street. Have you tried deep-fried Burmese Tofu in Yangon, a traditional Myanmar snack item?