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What level of French is required for immigration?

What level of French is required for immigration?

Canadian Experience Class

Language Abilities Minimum level
English Speaking and listening CLB 5
English Reading and writing CLB 4
French Speaking and listening NCLC 5
French Reading and writing NCLC 4

Is French necessary for PR in Canada?

Canada has two official languages – English and French. It necessarily requires any foreign national, who wishes to work in Canada or apply for permanent residency, to be fluent in either of these two languages.

What are the levels of French language proficiency?

Beginner A1
Intermediate B1
Upper Intermediate B2
Advanced C1
Master or Proficient C2

How many French levels are there in Quebec?


C1 (DALF) C1 (DALF) 280-333
B2 (DELF) B2 (DELF) 217-279
B1 (DELF) B2 (DELF) 145-216
A2 (DELF) A2 (DELF) 82-144

What is TCF and TEF?

TEF (Test d’évaluation de français) and TCF (Test de connaissance du français) are reliable measurements of language proficiency. Alliance Française offers the possibility to sit for the standardised test of the Paris Chamber of Commerce (TEF) or from the French Ministry of Education (TCF).

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What proficiency is a level French?

French Language Proficiency Level Scale

Proficiency in French ALTE* scale CEF** scale
Beginners Level 0 Level 0 /A1
Pre-Intermediate (required for graduation at AGS) Level 1 Level A2
Intermediate Level 2 Level B1
Advanced Level 3 Level B2