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What makes red blood cells unique compared to other cells in the body quizlet?

What makes red blood cells unique compared to other cells in the body quizlet?

What makes RBC’s unique, compared to other cells in the body? The RBC’s are greatest in number and they have the O2 carrying capacity. Explain how the absence of a nucleus affects the RBC’s life span? Can no longer replicate- it dies.

What do red blood cells have that others don t?

Unlike most other eukaryotic cells, mature red blood cells don’t have nuclei. When they enter the bloodstream for the first time, they eject their nuclei and organelles, so they can carry more hemoglobin, and thus, more oxygen.

How is red blood cells adapted to its function?

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Red blood cells have adaptations that make them suitable for this: they contain haemoglobin – a red protein that combines with oxygen. they have no nucleus so they can contain more haemoglobin. they are small and flexible so that they can fit through narrow blood vessels.

How does a red blood cell change as it matures quizlet?

How does a red blood cell change as it matures? they lose their nuclei as they mature to allow more space for hemoglobin. This also prevents them from being able to synthesize proteins or divide.

What is responsible for the red color of blood?

protein hemoglobin
Human blood is red because of the protein hemoglobin, which contains a red-colored compound called heme that’s crucial for carrying oxygen through your bloodstream. Heme contains an iron atom which binds to oxygen; it’s this molecule that transports oxygen from your lungs to other parts of the body.

Why do red blood cells look like donuts?

Red blood cells are shaped kind of like donuts that didn’t quite get their hole formed. They’re biconcave discs, a shape that allows them to squeeze through small capillaries. This also provides a high surface area to volume ratio, allowing gases to diffuse effectively in and out of them.