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What manufacturer uses NGS?

What manufacturer uses NGS?

A few notable next generation sequencing companies include: Illumina. Thermo Fisher Scientific. Pacific Biosciences.

How much does NGS sequencing cost?

Examples of NGS Cost Per Sample

Application Estimated Cost Per Sample
Targeted gene expression profiling $23 USD
16S metagenomic sequencing $18 USD

Is Illumina a public company?

Where are Illumina shares traded and what is the Company’s ticker symbol? The Company’s common stock is traded on the NASDAQ Stock Market under the symbol ILMN.

How much does Illumina cost?

Table 1 Technical specifications of Next Generation Sequencing platforms utilised in this study

Platform Illumina MiSeq Illumina GAIIx
Instrument Cost* $128 K $256 K
Sequence yield per run 1.5-2Gb 30Gb
Sequencing cost per Gb* $502 $148
Run Time 27 hours*** 10 days

What is the cost of Illumina sequencing?

Illumina NextSeq 500 Next Generation Sequencing

Application Internal Pricing1 External Academic Pricing1
High Output: ~400M Read Pairs or Single Reads2
— 75 Cycles $1950.00 $2050.00
— 150 Cycles $3250.00 $3350.00
— 300 Cycles $5100.00 $5200.00
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Can you invest in Illumina?

Illumina common stock can be bought or sold through a stockbroker, bank or financial institution that offers brokerage services.

Can I buy Illumina stock?

You log in to your online brokerage, search for Illumina share, insert the number of shares you wish to buy, and click buy, which will initiate the purchase of shares (in trading lingo: execute the buy order).

Is Illumina sequencing expensive?

Illumina HiSeq2000 is least expensive and costs ~0.10/Mb therefore whole genome is estimated at ~$300 for WGS process. Expenses associated with sequence analysis/filtering/data management are typically higher than actual sequencing process. These processes are most expensive for platforms that use short read length.