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What measures would you like to recommend to overcome gender stereotypes in your classroom?

What measures would you like to recommend to overcome gender stereotypes in your classroom?

Create a safe space.

  • Challenge stereotypes when you hear them.
  • Talk about stereotypes.
  • Provide a range of role models.
  • Make the most of books.
  • Look at who uses which spaces and equipment.
  • Make sure there aren’t ‘girls’ jobs and ‘boys’ jobs.
  • Pick other ways to divide up the children.
  • How do you deal with gender stereotypes?

    Want to make sure the girls in your life know they can do and be anything they want? Then it’s time to flex some muscle and start busting gender stereotypes!…

    1. Let toys be toys—for girls and boys!
    2. Plan meaningful meet-ups.
    3. Watch, then talk.
    4. Think before you speak.
    5. Remember that chores have no gender.
    6. Embrace Adventure.
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    Gender stereotyping. A gender stereotype is a generalized view or preconception about attributes or characteristics, or the roles that are or ought to be possessed by, or performed by, women and men. A gender stereotype is harmful when it limits women’s and men’s capacity to develop their personal abilities,

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