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What missiles did the MiG-21 PFM carry?

What missiles did the MiG-21 PFM carry?

The MiG-21 PFM has a radar, carries rockets and bombs, as well as two guided missiles of different models – air-to-air R-3S, or the new to the game H-66 air-to-surface missiles. A distinctive feature of the MiG-21 PFM is the boundary layer blowing system, which greatly simplifies takeoff and landing.

Why is the MiG-21 called the fishbed?

Fishbed was its randomly chosen NATO identifier. The Soviets hated it, just as they hated Fagot, Faithless, Frogfoot and other Western names for their fighters. Its baby brother, the transonic MiG-15, holds the all-time jet record: some 18,000 units.

When did the MiG 21bis come out?

MiG-21s are a family of jets from the Mikoyan-and-Gurevich Design Bureau, a Soviet success story with an amazing production run, from the MiG-21F in 1959 to the MiG-21bis in 1985. A dozen types of MiG-21s have been flown by nearly 40 nations and many are still flying on the front line.

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When was the MiG 21 PFM?

In combat, MiGs are tough, simple, rugged planes that can operate from unprepared airfields with minimum logistical support and be maintained by simple, basically unskilled labor. The Museum’s MiG-21PFM was built in the former Soviet Union and first flew on March 23, 1967.

Did the MiG 21 PFM have r60s?

Only Warsaw pact nations (Germany & Poland) were proven to have this on the PFM. So the choice is either having R60 + R-13 at 10.7 or neither of them at a lower BR. All sources show so far that the R-60 and R-13M was not on a Soviet MiG-21PFM with Kh-66 and the export models did not use Kh-66.

Who made MiG-21?

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21/Manufacturers

What does BIS mean in MiG?

It means ‘second’. So a second version of something. Mig-15bis is pretty much Mig-15 with shinier and better parts and slight modifications. Too little to make it Mig-16 but just enough to make it a bis.