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What music is the double bass often used in?

What music is the double bass often used in?

In jazz, blues, and rockabilly, pizzicato is the norm. Classical music and jazz use the natural sound produced acoustically by the instrument, as does traditional bluegrass. In funk, blues, reggae, and related genres, the double bass is often amplified.

When was the double bass most popular?

The double bass was the most popular and most frequently used bass instrument in the 1950s despite the introduction of the bass guitar at that time.

What kind of upright bass should I get?

Most adult (and growing youth) players play a 3/4 size bass. If you’re at least 5’4″ or so, that’s probably what you should generally be looking at. (If you have a child that you’re buying for, I will always defer to the child’s instructor on this particular matter.)

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How much should I spend on a double bass?

Hybrid double basses are ideal for those looking to spend less than $3000 on a double bass. Fully carved double basses are the most expensive, costing anywhere from a few thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands.

What is the quality sound of double bass?

Heavy, weighty, dark, weightless, wafting, somber, earthy, resonant, rasping, broad, hollow, dull, mighty, menacing, violent, mellow, sustaining, aspirate.

How do you mic upright bass?

Since there is more to an upright bass than bass, try placing the mic closer to the bridge. Use a nice condenser of some kind, moving it around until it achieves a nice tonal balance. Need more low end? Just move it a couple inches closer to the f-hole.

How many decibels is a double bass?

Results, at the average note, were as follows: violin, 85.9 db: viola, 79.5 db: cello, 76.52 db: double bass, 75.97 db. As a conclusion, it is not the biggest instrument having the greater loudness.

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What music family is double bass in?

violin family
double bass, also called contrabass, string bass, bass, bass viol, bass fiddle, or bull fiddle, French contrebasse, German Kontrabass, stringed musical instrument, the lowest-pitched member of the violin family, sounding an octave lower than the cello.