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What oaths are there for Paladins?

What oaths are there for Paladins?

Paladin Subclasses – Sacred Oaths

  • Oath of Conquest. XGtE
  • Oath of Devotion. PHB
  • Oath of Glory. MOoT / TCoE
  • Oath of Redemption. XGtE
  • Oath of the Ancients. PHB
  • Oath of the Crown. SCAG
  • Oath of the Watchers. TCoE
  • Oath of Vengeance. PHB

What is the best sacred Oath 5E?

Best Paladin Oaths 5E Rankings

  1. Oath of Vengeance. At the top of our list sits the Oath of Vengeance.
  2. Oath of Conquest. A close second was the Oath of Conquest.
  3. Oathbreaker Paladin.
  4. Oath of Devotion.
  5. Oath of Redemption.
  6. Oath of the Crown.
  7. Oath of Glory.
  8. Oath of the Ancients.

What is oath of the ancients Paladin?

The Oath of the Ancients is a natural flavor of paladin; this subclass focuses on art forms and beauty, and brings the wonder of nature to all who live. Paladins with this oath likely ally themselves to gods of nature, focusing on fighting darkness to preserve life-giving things.

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Can Paladins switch oaths?

In order to gain the abilities for the new oath, you must complete a quest given by the new deity (church) as an act of penance. The quest should be a challenge for your current paladin level.

What is the best race for Paladin?

Best PvE Paladins races & faction

Race \% (1+ boss)
Blood Elf 36.2\% (♂: 15.7\% – ♀: 20.5\%)
Human 27.3\% (♂: 20.6\% – ♀: 6.7\%)
Lightforged Draenei 9.7\% (♂: 1.9\% – ♀: 7.8\%)
Draenei 7.8\% (♂: 2.7\% – ♀: 5.1\%)

What race makes a good paladin?

Dragonborns make great paladins with bonuses to STR and CHA. Half-Elves are interesting as well as you can go traditional paladin route and get a bonus to CHA, STR, and CON. If you want to focus on one stat you can take one to three levels of hexblade depending on what kind of weapon you want to use and focus on CHA.

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Do Paladins have Cantrips?

Sure, Paladins don’t get cantrips, but in battle they have a strong regular attack, heavy armor, Divinity, and some limited spell casting. Out of combat, they have Divinity options, spells, and any gear they are packing.