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What order should I watch Divergent?

What order should I watch Divergent?

To date, there are three Divergent films. Divergent (2014) Insurgent (2015) Allegiant (2016)

Is there a 4th Divergent?

Supposedly, the franchise would have ended with a fourth film in 2017, but after the financial disappointment of The Divergent Series: Allegiant, the plans to wrap up the saga shifted to a TV movie The Divergent Series: Ascendant, in lieu of a theatrical conclusion.

How old is four Divergent?

In Veronica Roth’s Divergent, Four is 18 years old when he meets 16-year-old Tris. “Theo James who plays the love interest in my film is 28, in the book his character is 18, but in the movie we’re making him about 24/25. He’s kind of ageless in a way.

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Why did Tris cut her hair?

The actress had cut her long locks last summer to prepare for her role as Hazel Lancaster in the book to film adaptation of The Fault in Our Stars, which was filmed after Divergent. It’s worth noting that in the book by Veronica Roth, Tris cuts her hair so that it goes down to her jawline.

Is the divergent series on Netflix?

The movies are based upon the Divergent novels by Veronica Roth and have been released yearly from 2015. With an uprising inevitable Insurgent (2016) is the dramatic second movie in the franchise. Tris is put through her paces in this second movie and is probably the best movie in the series so far.

What are Tris’s six fears?

Tris’s fears include being devoured by crows, drowning in a tank, being kidnapped in her Abnegation bedroom, killing her family, the ocean and rocks, and being burned at the stake. Tris was able to get past all her fears in record breaking time, which Four was impressed by.

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Is Divergent on Disney plus?

Is Divergent Series on Disney+? None of the Divergent films could be found here. With Disney+, you can have a wide range of shows from Marvel, Star Wars, Disney+, Pixar, ESPN, and National Geographic to choose from in the streaming platform for the price of $7.99 monthly or $79.99 annually.

Why were the divergent Movies So Bad?

The movies weren’t that good They were too cheesy, too convoluted, and the world’s societal situation was hard to understand for would-be viewers who haven’t read the books. The characters were also so archetypal that it made the story too predictable.

Does Tris marry Tobias?

Tris eventually reconciles with Tobias, finally feeling comfortable and the two make love for the first time. The two stay together to fight against the Bureau.