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What order should the Redwall books be read in?

What order should the Redwall books be read in?

It’s recommended that you read the books in the Redwall series in publication order.

  • Redwall (1986 UK, 1987 US)
  • Mossflower (1988)
  • Mattimeo (1989 UK, 1990 US)
  • Mariel of Redwall (1991 UK, 1992 US)
  • Salamandastron (1992 UK, 1993 US)
  • Martin the Warrior (1993 UK, 1994 US)
  • The Bellmaker (1994 UK, 1995 US)

Can I read Redwall out of order?

No, you should not read Redwall in chronological order. It is strongly advised that you opt for publication order instead. Many books contain character and storyline references from previously published works, and part of the enjoyment is seeing those mysteries unfold.

Are the Redwall books connected?

First of all, it’s important to note that there are various subsets of “the Redwall books”, which form loosely connected series within the wider universe.

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What age is Redwall appropriate for?

This series should be read in the correct order listed here. Ages 9-15.

Should I read mossflower before Redwall?

Redwall discussion Is there any order you would recommend? Eulalia! You can read Mossflower first if you want, because technically it’s a prequel. So are Martin the Warrior, The Legend of Luke, and The Bellmaker, if I’m not mistaken.

Where does the Redwall series start?

Redwall should be read before Mattimeo, its direct sequel. Mariel of Redwall should be read before The Bellmaker, which follows it chronologically. The only other place you may want to focus on reading order is with regard to The Long Patrol, Marlfox, and Taggerung.

Did the Redwall series end?

Yet Jacques clearly still had no intention of stopping by the time the new decade rolled around, and he had bypassed twenty novels. Jacques tragically passed away in February 2011. I was crushed when I discovered this a month later—I had personally met him back in 2005. With his death, the series officially ended.

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What reading level is Wings of Fire?

The Dragonet Prophecy (Wings of Fire, Book 1)

Interest Level Reading Level Word Count
Grades 4 – 8 Grades 3 – 5 69911

What reading level are Nancy Drew books?

8 to 12 year
Nancy Drew books are written at an 8 to 12 year old’s reading level; however, that does NOT mean that the situations in the books are appropriate for every 8 to 12 year old.

Are Redwall books stand alone?

Those three are all set in completely different times, I think, which is why they work as stand-alones. Some might be more connected to each other than others, though. I never even knew there were so many books written about this world!

What reading level is the Redwall series?

Redwall (Redwall, Book 1)

Interest Level Reading Level Word Count
Grades 5 – 9 Grades 3 – 12 101289

Is Brian Jacques still alive?

Deceased (1939–2011)
Brian Jacques/Living or Deceased