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What OSI layer is a laptop?

What OSI layer is a laptop?

APPLICATION LAYER: The application layer is the last layer of the OSI model. This layer works at the client or user side which is shown below. This layer is available in the form of software on a laptop, computer, mobile, etc.

Which device works on all layers of OSI?

A bridge router or brouter is a network device that works as a bridge and as a router. The brouter routes packets for known protocols and simply forwards all other packets as a bridge would. Brouters operate at both the network layer for routable protocols (or between network with different data link layer protocol ex.

Does the OSI model play any role in computer and network security?

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Simple configuration changes to the network switch can help protect enterprise applications from Data layer attacks. The Network and Transport layers of the OSI model are where the most common security precautions take place — this layer is where routers and firewalls are implemented.

What protocols are used in each layer of OSI model?

TCP/IP Protocol Architecture Model

OSI Ref. Layer No. OSI Layer Equivalent TCP/IP Protocol Examples
5,6,7 Application, session, presentation NFS, NIS+, DNS, telnet , ftp , rlogin , rsh , rcp , RIP, RDISC, SNMP, and others
4 Transport TCP, UDP
3 Network IP, ARP, ICMP
2 Data link PPP, IEEE 802.2

What are the functions of the application layer of the OSI model?

Functions of Application Layer : Application Layer provides a facility by which users can forward several emails and it also provides a storage facility. This layer allows users to access, retrieve and manage files in a remote computer. It allows users to log on as a remote host.

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What are the OSI layers and their functions?


Layer Name Function
Layer 3 Network To provide internetworking. To move packets from source to destination
Layer 2 Data Link To organize bits into frames. To provide hop-to-hop delivery
Layer 1 Physical To transmit bits over a medium. To provide mechanical and electrical specifications

How many protocols are used when one computer accesses another computer?

There are three main types of network protocols. These include network management protocols, network communication protocols and network security protocols: Communication protocols include basic data communication tools like TCP/IP and HTTP.

On which OSI layer do routers function?

Layer 3, the network layer, is most commonly known as the layer where routing takes place. A router’s main job is to get packets from one network to another. Layer 3 protocols and technologies allow for network-to-network communications.